Certificate Programs
In addition to offering degree programs, The Graduate School offers students the opportunity to pursue graduate certificates while they pursue their degree. Graduate certificates are interdisciplinary in nature must be comprised of at least five TGS-approved courses. Any student enrolled in a doctoral program may pursue a certificate. Master's students may not earn graduate certificates nor can students apply to only enroll in a certificate program.
Enrolled students need only notify TGS by applying for the certificate at the same time that they apply for a degree (in their final year of study). Students will be asked to provide for TGS the list of courses they would like counted toward the certificate program and will be required to submit a verification from the program director. Certificates will be awarded and noted on the transcript.
- African Studies
- African American and Diaspora Studies
- Classics (ancient Latin and Greek)
- Clinical and Translational Research
- Cognitive Science
- Comparative and Historical Social Science
- Comparative Issues in Health Services and Outcomes Research
- Critical Theory
- Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Medieval Studies
- Middle East and North African Studies (MENA)
- Predictive Science and Engineering Design
- Religion and Global Politics
- Reproductive Science
- Society, Biology and Health