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Spanish and Portuguese Language Program Tutoring Service:
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese is committed to providing resources to assist students beyond the classroom and provides free Spanish and Portuguese tutoring for all students enrolled in our courses. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this service to help them improve their language skills, whether they need help with a specific aspect related to their course or they want to get more general practice. Spanish and Portuguese tutoring is provided in person in Kresge 3-533, Kresge 4-533, and on Zoom  (Zoom for Spanish tutoring only. Set-up and support:

Who should come to the Spanish or Portuguese tutoring service:
Students enrolled in Spanish and Portuguese courses offered by the Spanish and Portuguese Language Programs.

Type of help you can request from the tutoring service:
• speaking/ conversational practice
• general reading comprehension practice
• general listening comprehension practice
• general writing practice
• general pronunciation practice
• help with grammar concepts/ explanations

Type of help you cannot request from the tutoring service:
• editing assignments that you need to turn in, including homework assignments, compositions, take-home exams, etc.
• working on a specific assignment that will have a grade associated with it, such as (but not limited to): oral presentations, specific listening comprehension activities, specific reading comprehension activities, group projects, etc.
• any other assignment that is part of the student's course work
For this kind of help, please, contact your professor or instructor directly and work with them during office hours.

Meet your Spanish tutors: 

Betsy Bejarano,
Gabriela Avila,

Types of appointments you can make with a Spanish tutor:
• 25 minutes: for shorter/focused consultations (i.e. speaking practice or listening comprehension practice, pronunciation practice...)
• 50 minutes: for longer consultations (i.e. if you have difficulties with complex grammar points that may need longer explanations and practice, reading practice, writing practice...)

Spring 2025 Spanish Tutoring Hours (via Zoom or in Kresge 3-533 and 4-533):
Mondays: 2:00-4:00 p.m. (Kresge 4-533)
Tuesdays: 3:00-5:00 p.m. (Kresge 4-533)
Wednesdays: 5:00-7:00 p.m. (Kresge 3-533)
Thursdays: 1:00-3:00 p.m. (Kresge 3-533)

How to make an appointment with a Spanish tutor:
• use the link to the Spanish tutor Bookings system to access the tutor's calendar and to make an appointment. You will need your NU NetID and password to access this scheduling system. Please note the use of Microsoft Outlook 365 is required. To download it, please follow the instructions on the link "Microsoft Outlook 365".
• choose the length of the appointment (25 mins or 50 mins) based on your needs
• indicate the reason for your appointment in the "Comments" box provided
After making the appointment, you will receive a confirmation email and the Zoom link to access your meeting with the tutor. If you need to cancel your appointment, please, email the tutor as soon as possible.

Meet your Portuguese Tutor:

Inês Silva De Almeida,

Types of appointments you can make with the Portuguese tutor:
• 30 minutes: for shorter/focused IN PERSON consultations (i.e. speaking practice or listening comprehension practice, pronunciation practice...)
• 60 minutes: for longer IN PERSON consultations (i.e. if you have difficulties with complex grammar points that may need longer explanations and practice, reading practice, writing practice...)
• 1-3 students allowed per tutoring session.

Spring 2025 Portuguese Tutoring Hours (in Kresge 3-533):
Mondays: 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Tuesdays: 1:00-3:00 p.m.

How to mane an appointment with the Portuguese tutor:
• use this LINK to access the Portuguese tutor's calendar and to make an appointment.
• choose the number of 30-minute appointment slots (30 or 60 minutes) based on your needs.
• indicate the reason for your appointment.

Comments about the tutoring service:
We welcome your feedback about the service. If you want to let us know how much the tutor has helped you, or if you have some comments about how to improve the service, please, email the Denise Bouras at