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Graduate Student Representative

Gabriel Restrepo Parradopicture_gabriel-r.jpeg

Gabriel obtained a double B.A in Philosophy and Literature (2016) and a M.A in Philosophy (2017) from Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. During this time, his research focused on the poetry of Idea Vilariño and, on the philosophical side, on classical American pragmatism. Most recently, he completed an Erasmus Mundus M.A in Crossways in Cultural Narratives (2020) from Università di Bergamo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and University of St Andrews. For this M.A, he wrote a thesis in which he explored the early narrative of Uruguayan author Mario Levrero in relation to postmodernism and theories of space. His areas of interest include pragmatism, ecocriticism, and philosophy of science. Within this framework, he would like to study Latin American science fiction and horror. Gabriel joined the Ph.D in Spanish and Portuguese at Northwestern University in 2020.  

helo-imada.jpgHeloísa Imada

Heloísa Imada received her B.A. in Literary Studies (2017)  from State University of Campinas. She also holds a Master's degree in Theory and Literary History (2021) from the same institution, where she was a CAPES scholar. During her Master's, she was also an invited researcher for the Médias19 project, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Guillaume Pinson at Université Laval (2020). Her interests are Visual Studies, Material Culture, and Press Circulation focusing mostly on the relation between fashion and literature in Latin American culture in the fin-de-siècle. Heloísa's research has been published in peer-reviewed journals Modapalavra and Revista Mídia e Cotidiano.