Darío Fernández-Morera
Associate Professor Emeritus

Darío Fernández-Morera received a B.A. from Stanford, an M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Ph.D. from Harvard. He served in the United States National Council on the Humanities.
His research and teaching included, among other subjects, Golden Age and Medieval Spanish literature, culture and history. He published several books and many articles and reviews in English, Spanish and French on cultural, historical, theoretical and methodological issues in Spain, Europe, Latin America and the United States, including the encounter between Europeans and Amerindians, Islamic Spain, Modernism, Garcilaso de la Vega, Cervantes, Fray Luis de León, Inca Garcilaso, and Vicente Aleixandre.
He published in, and served as consultant and reader for, History of European Ideas, The European Legacy, Le Figaro Histoire, Symposium, Hispanic Review, The United States National Endowment for the Humanities, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, eHumanista, Comparative Civilizations Review, Comparative Literature Studies, Modern Age, MLN, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, etc.
Among his publications are The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain, translated into French as Chrétiens, Juifs et Musulmans dans al-Andalus: Mythes et Réalités de l’Espagne Islamique, with a Prologue by French Philosopher, Arabist, Hellenist and Hebraist, Rémi Brague, and into Spanish as El Mito del Paraiso Andalusí: Musulmanes, Cristianos y Judíos bajo el Dominio Islámico en la España Medieval; American Academia and the Survival of Marxist Ideas; The Lyre and the Oaten Flute: Garcilaso and the Pastoral; Fray Luis: Poesía (ed); Europe and its Encounter with the Amerindians (ed. Special issue of History of European Ideas); Cervantes in the English Speaking World (ed. with M. Hanke); Cervantes y su mundo II (ed. with K Reichenberger).
He was the recipient of the 2008 award for Graduate Teaching Excellence from the Northwestern University School of Continuing Studies. In 2020, he was honored by the Cervantes Society of America with a Life-Time Honorary Membership in the Cervantes Society. He served as Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
For videos, articles and reviews see also Fernandez-Morera’s page at academia.edudario fernandez-morera | Northwestern University - Academia.edu
For poems, articles, reviews and other writings see also Fernandez-Morera’s blog at
Sample publications online:
Review of D. Hershenzon, The Captive Sea. Slavery, Communication, and Commerce in Early Modern Spain and the Mediter¬ranean (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018) published in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (University of Liverpool) 96 (2019).
Review of The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain by Professor of Medieval History Alberto Ferreiro, Seattle Pacific University, Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia 26 (2017): 574-576
Review of The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain by Professor of Medieval History Julia Pavón Benito, University of Navarra, Middle East Quarterly (Summer 2016) vol. 23 No. 3:
Review of The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain by Laina Farhat-Holzman. Comparative Civilizations Review Vol. 74 No. 74 Article 11
Review of The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain by Arabist, Historian, and Islamic Law scholar Felipe Maillo Salgado (University of Salamanca) in Studia Historica (University of Salamanca) Vol 36, No. 2 (2018): 223-225
"A Meta-Critical Examination of Scholarship in English on the Otherness of Al-andalus" eHumanista 37 (U. of California Santa Barbara) (December 2017): 268-281
“Cervantes and Economic Theory,” in Literature and the Economics of Liberty, ed. Paul Cantor (Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2005), 99-165
“Christian slavery Under Islam,” The Postil Magazine (April 2021)
"The Forgotten History of Christian Slavery under Islam", Catholic World Report (December 16, 2020)
Articles in Le Figaro Histoire No. 36 (February 2018), pp. 49-60.
L'Espagne d'al-Andalus : d'où proviennent l'architecture et l'art du jardin ?
L'Espagne d'al-Andalus : la conquête musulmane avait-elle vocation à s'étendre à la France ?
L'Espagne d'al-Andalus : Quel rôle l'immigrationa-t-elle joué dans la conquête ?
L'Espagne d'al-Andalus : l‘islamisation du territoire
L'Espagne d'al-Andalus : à quoi tenait le rayonnement de la cour de Cordoue ?
Espagne d'al-Andalus : certaines dynasties ont-elles été plus clémentes que d'autres ?
L'Espagne d'al-Andalus : quel fut son apport à la médecine ?
L'Espagne d'al-Andalus : quel a été le sort des juifs ?
Interviewed by Radio Ya, Spain, in the Program "Cita con la Historia," on the "Spanish Reconquista and the Destruction of the Christian Civilization of the Visigoths by the Islamic Conquest" (November 1 2018).
Paper on “La vision d’al-Andalus chez les historiens anglo-saxons,” at the Colloque sur al-Andalus of the Association pour l’Histoire, Paris, October 6 2019
“Escaping Havana” Review of the Trebica Festival Awards Winner Film “Una Noche,” Law and Liberty (2014).
On The False Analogy Between Hagia Sophia and the Cathedral of Cordoba, Catholic World Report Aug 1 2020
"Cervantes and Islam" in Cervantes y su mundo 3, ed. K. Reichenberger (Kassel: Reichenberger, 2005) at
Shock and Awe, Eighth-Century Style: The Muslim Conquest of Spain
"Don Quixote Redivivus" in Cervantes in the English Speaking World, ed. Dario Fernandez-Morera & Michael Hanke (Kassel-Barcelona: Reichenberger, 2005) 165-191 at
Interview with Professor Gad Saad, June 9, 2017
A tv interview on “Jorge Luis Borges: El Argentino Universal,” Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala, 21 August, 2009.
A tv interview on “Francisco de Vitoria,” Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala, May 13 2010 :
Vocal Point interview with Dr. Dario Fernandez-Morera on The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians and Jews under Muslim Rule in Medieval Spain, March 24 2016
Interview with Hank Hanegraaf in Hank Unplugged Episode 65 "Muslim Myths" (2018)